About Us

About Us

About Us
The ZDGA was founded in 1977, incorporated in 2002 and operates under code section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Service and Ohio Revised Code Section 1702.59 and conducts business of the association in accordance with the constitution, by-laws, policies and procedures set-forth and ratified by a majority vote of the governing board. The governing board consists of elected officers and non-elected members.

Dedicated to promoting amateur golf by providing annual golf tournaments and support activities for all golfers of Muskingum and surrounding counties.

*Provide annual ZDGA amateur golf championships.
*Emphasize and promote activities of Junior Amateur Golf and provide annual ZDGA junior amateur golf championships.
*Support and encourage golf to all golf courses in Muskingum and surrounding counties.
*Adhere to United States Golf Association rules of play.
*Provide overall interest and leadership to the sport of golf and its participants regardless of Age, Race, Sex, Ethnicity, Religion, Sexual Orientation or Disability.

The Zanesville District Golf Association has awarded nearly $100,000 in scholarships to deserving junior amateur golfers in Muskingum and surrounding counties.

Governing Board Officers

President:  Mike Durant, PGA Golf Professional
Vice President:  Rich Bubenchik
Secretary:  JJ Mickey
Treasurer:  Joey Shroyer
Board Members
Mark Ballmer
Sam Blackburn
Lori Bubenchik
Zack Forker
Steve Galloway, PGA

Todd Hixson
Corey Hull
Mark Kaido
Greg McKenzie
Chad Orecchio
Ryan Sharrer
Josh Tilton
Mike Walters